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Category: Career Success | 2 CommentsPosted by Logan Allec, CPA | September 10, 2020 | Tags: schema
All right everyone I’m Logan Allec, I’m a CPA, and today, as usual, I…
Category: Stocks | Write CommentPosted by Logan Allec, CPA | October 4, 2020 | Tags: schema
5 Reasons Why the Stock Market Is So High Right Now I know a…
Category: Saving Money | Write CommentPosted by Logan Allec, CPA | October 8, 2020 | Tags: schema
There’s obviously a lot at stake in the 2020 election, and healthcare is one…
Category: Stocks | 1 CommentPosted by Logan Allec, CPA | November 2, 2020 | Tags: schema
Bonds are a pretty controversial topic in personal finance, and I’ve seen a lot…
Category: Stocks | Write CommentPosted by Logan Allec, CPA | November 12, 2020 | Tags: schema
The 9 WORST Investments You Can Make A bad investment is worse than a…
Category: Saving Money | Write CommentPosted by Logan Allec, CPA | November 27, 2020 | Tags: schema
Do you feel clueless when your car breaks down and you take it to…
Category: Stocks | Write CommentPosted by Logan Allec, CPA | November 30, 2020 | Tags: schema
If you look up the word “jargon” on Google, you’ll find this definition: “special…
Category: Cash-Back Apps and Sites | 65 CommentsPosted by Logan Allec, CPA | March 25, 2018 | Tags: youtube, schema
I’ll admit that I was skeptical that I could actually make money walking with…
Category: Saving Money | Write CommentPosted by Logan Allec, CPA | August 6, 2021 | Tags: schema
You may have seen the recent report that more than 40 percent of Americans…