So ever since I got in my car accident, I’ve been carless.So what have I been doing instead? Ubering.And I’ve been loving it, especially since I’m getting $1 cash back on every Uber ride, plus bonuses.Over $600 Saved on Uber RidesSo I take Uber twice a day, 5 days a week, saving $1 on each ride.That’s at least $2/day in savings.Combine that with various bonuses I’ve earned for taking Uber so much, and my savings have exceeded $600.Curious how I do it? Read on.How I Save $1 on Every Uber RideIt’s not complicated. It’s all done through an app on my phone.I sign on to Uber through this app, and I’m given $1 cash back after my ride is done.If you use Uber and you’d like to save $1 on every Uber ride too, you can download the app and learn more on how it can help you save more money.