YouGov Review
Updated January 21, 2024

YouGov Review 2024: Is This Survey Site Legit or a Scam?

Online Surveys

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Survey sites are one of the best options for people interested in passive income, and YouGov offers substantial rewards in exchange for taking surveys. The website collects data on a wide range of topics, and it’s easy to earn money quickly.

If you’re wondering whether YouGov is legit, this review will cover everything you need to know about the program. We’ll also go over its pros and cons relative to other survey websites. We consider YouGov one of the best survey sites available.

YouGov Review: What Is YouGov?

YouGov is a popular rewards site that has been around since 2000. It’s a member of the British Polling Council, a sign of its pristine reputation and history. You can trust YouGov to protect your privacy and pay out rewards on time.

While YouGov’s rewards structure is similar to that of its competitors, the site itself functions somewhat differently. Rather than providing detailed surveys on specific topics, it measures the popularity of celebrities, brands, politicians, and more.

If you sign up for YouGov, you’ll have access to short surveys of roughly 15 to 30 minutes. You’ll earn rewards after each survey, and you can redeem them as a gift card or pre-paid visa. YouGov paid surveys are an easy way to start earning passive income to supplement your paycheck.


Consumers are more sensitive to security concerns than ever before, and YouGov takes your privacy seriously. Your answers are only used to form a larger statistic, so they’ll never be associated with you.

Furthermore, YouGov won’t share your email address or other contact information with any third parties. You can trust YouGov to safeguard your data.

Signing Up

YouGov is currently available in the following countries:

  • United States
  • United Kingdom
  • Mexico
  • Norway
  • Sweden
  • Denmark
  • Netherlands
  • Sweden
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Japan
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Saudi Arabia
  • China
  • Japan

Anyone over 14 in the US, 16 in the UK, or 18 in the other supported countries can sign up for YouGov. The website only asks for your email during the sign-up process, and you could be taking surveys in just a few minutes.

Taking Surveys

Once you’ve signed up for YouGov, you can start taking surveys immediately. The website displays all available surveys along with their point count and the estimated completion time. You can check the site as often or as rarely as you want, and you’re never obligated to take surveys.

Even if you don’t monitor the YouGov website, you can still take surveys after being invited via email. YouGov sends regular notifications to keep you updated with the latest surveys. Your points will add up surprisingly quickly if you continue taking occasional surveys.

Most surveys only include about twenty or thirty questions, making them easy to finish whenever you have free time. Even the longest surveys shouldn’t take you more than roughly 20 minutes.


You’ll receive a certain number of points after completing each survey. Your total earnings are displayed under Activity in your account. You can redeem points for a variety of gift cards in addition to pre-paid visas.

YouGov is currently offering a sign-up bonus of 2000 points, putting you that much closer to your first reward. The website displays the average time for each survey along with how many points you’ll earn for completing it.

You can add to your rewards by introducing other users to YouGov. You’ll earn 4000 points each time someone uses your referral link, and they’ll get an extra 2000. The money will appear in your account once they finish their third survey.

While most surveys offer points, you can also earn entries in sweepstakes for taking certain surveys. Check the YouGov website regularly to stay updated on the latest offers.

YouGov Review: YouGov Pulse

YouGov Pulse gives you the opportunity to earn even more rewards by allowing YouGov to track your internet usage. You can download the application on a smartphone, tablet, or computer. As with surveys, your YouGov Pulse data is anonymous and confidential.

Your YouGov Pulse rewards are based on your location along with the number of devices you have. You’ll earn 2000 points just for signing up, then 1000 per month for each device.

The application monitors your app usage and web history and keeps track of which devices you use. It doesn’t collect passwords, usernames, transactions, or any other sensitive information.

YouGov Pulse is available as an app for Windows, iOS, Android, and MacOS. You can also install it as a browser extension if you’re on Windows. It will continue to run in the background throughout the day.

YouGov Pulse rewards accumulate with the points you earn from taking surveys, so you’ll make substantially more each month if you use both. You can always uninstall the application if you have second thoughts.

YouGov Review: Is YouGov Legit?

If you start using YouGov thinking you’ll earn hundreds of dollars per month, you’ll probably be disappointed. That said, you can earn a surprising amount of money with YouGov for just a few hours each month. YouGov rewards are a great addition to your monthly income.

The rewards are different in each country, so make sure to check the options in your area. PayPal and Visa rewards are only available in certain countries, while users in other locations have to redeem points as gift cards.

While YouGov isn’t perfect, it does offer a number of helpful features for survey takers. These are some of the top advantages of YouGov relative to other survey platforms.


Some websites only display the point value of a given survey, but YouGov also lets you know how much time you should expect to spend on each survey. This makes it easy to determine exactly what you’re getting into. You won’t have to worry about starting a survey and realizing later that it’s too long.

YouGov’s transparency also applies in its email marketing practices, as you’ll consistently receive emails detailing the rewards for new surveys. Knowing exactly what you’re earning helps you stay motivated and continue to take surveys over time.

It takes more than just a week or two to build up a substantial balance on YouGov. With that in mind, try to take a few surveys each week rather than reaching your goal immediately. After a few months, you will have earned a decent reward without feeling like you worked at all.

YouGov Pulse

Slowly accumulating points through surveys can be tiring, and YouGov Pulse gives you extra rewards. You could earn thousands more per month in addition to the 2000 point sign-up bonus.

You gain more points as you install the application on more devices. If you download YouGov Pulse on your computer, tablet, and smartphone, that’s already 3000 per month. These points accumulate with your survey rewards, so you can effectively double your options with YouGov Pulse.

That said, there’s no obligation to download YouGov Pulse, and you can earn points with surveys whether or not you also install the application. It’s easy to switch from one to the other or both at any time.

Referral Bonuses

In addition to your survey and YouGov Pulse rewards, you can earn further points by referring new users. YouGov offers members 2000 points for each person they refer who takes at least four surveys.

Like the other ways to earn rewards, referral bonuses probably won’t give you hundreds of dollars per month. That said, they compound quickly, and you’ll make rapid progress if you’re getting points all three ways.

The user you refer will also earn 2000 free points, and this offer will help you make even more referrals. You might even be able to redeem your first reward within a week or two of signing up for YouGov.

No Screeners

Being screened out of a rewards opportunity is one of the most frustrating things about taking surveys online. Fortunately, YouGov doesn’t require you to take screeners before moving on to the longer survey.

Instead, the website uses your profile information to identify surveys you can take. This feature substantially reduces the amount of time you waste taking screener surveys. You’ll qualify for every survey you’re invited to, and you can finish the entire survey immediately rather than starting with a screener.

Survey Variety

Which surveys you prefer is obviously a matter of personal preference. That said, YouGov offers engaging surveys on popular topics, and the questions are often relatively conversational. The website primarily focuses on public figures and issues that you probably already have an opinion about.

YouGov is currently running surveys on a wide range of topics. Some of the current options include Trump job approval, the climate change outlook, and popularity for celebrities such as athletes, artists, politicians, and more. Surveys are constantly being switched out, so check back the next day if you don’t see anything you like.

The platform has 6 million members in countries across the globe, and there are surveys on literally millions of topics. No matter what you’re interested in, you should be able to find it on YouGov. Answering questions on topics you like makes the survey process much easier.

If you’re new to YouGov, remember to complete the profiler surveys before doing anything else. Answering these questions helps you qualify for other full-length surveys on the site. Without finishing all profiler surveys, you’ll be missing out on countless survey opportunities.

Rewards Options

A number of survey platforms only allow you to withdraw your earnings in the form of a gift card. YouGov, on the other hand, gives you the option to redeem either gift cards or cash. Cash payments are available as either a direct deposit or via PayPal.

Once you choose your rewards method, YouGov is about as quick as other survey sites. You should expect to receive rewards a few weeks after redeeming. That said, some rewards may take a month or even more to process and arrive.

If you’re interested in a chance at more money, you can also use your points on sweepstakes entries. YouGov runs a weekly prize draw, and you can get one entry for each point you contribute. Most people won’t win, but it’s a great opportunity compared to relatively minor survey rewards.

Affiliate Program

You can earn a significant amount of money by referring users to YouGov. On the other hand, you can make significantly more by joining the website’s affiliate program. Keep in mind that this program is limited to users who have significant experience in affiliate marketing.

Most YouGov affiliates earn about $3 for each lead they introduce to the brand. If you already have an affiliate marketing audience, advertising YouGov could be a great opportunity. That said, it takes a long time to build up a new audience, and YouGov is looking for affiliates with a history of success.

Joining the affiliate program is the best way to earn a substantial amount of money with YouGov. Referring as a non-affiliate provides some rewards, but you should become an affiliate if you’re qualified. YouGov is one of the only survey platforms to offer an affiliate marketing program.

YouGov Reviews: Drawbacks

There’s no question that YouGov offers some great features, but it’s also flawed in a number of important ways. These issues might not affect every user, but you should be aware of them before getting started.

Keep in mind that YouGov is completely free to use. You can always create an account, take a few surveys, and move on if you’re not interested. Consider registering and answering questions whenever you have a few extra minutes.

App Design

YouGov allows you to take surveys on a computer, tablet, or smartphone. Unfortunately, it takes much more time to complete surveys using the mobile app. Many questions involve sorting and dragging, and these motions are tough to perform quickly on a phone or tablet.

With that in mind, you’ll probably end up using a computer for most surveys. Other platforms offer sleek, intuitive mobile apps that make surveys easy to fill out on any device. If you’d prefer to take surveys on your phone, consider looking for a service with a better app.

Lack of Available Surveys

YouGov contacts different demographics depending on the needs of their clients, so survey availability is highly unpredictable. You might receive multiple requests on the same day and not get any more for a week.

Rather than trying to get more surveys, think of YouGov as something to do occasionally to add to your income. Don’t expect to earn more than a few dollars per week, even if you take surveys fairly frequently. Earning rewards with YouGov is a slow and gradual process.

High Minimum Redemption

Limited survey access is especially frustrating given that the website requires a minimum of 5000 points to redeem. 5000 points is equivalent to 50 pounds or roughly 61 dollars.

YouGov’s minimum is significantly higher than that of its competitors. Some websites allow you to redeem just a few dollars, and most are well below $60. Additionally, you could wait weeks to receive your funds, compared to days or even minutes with other platforms.

You’ll still receive your rewards in the end, but the redemption threshold is a frustrating requirement. It can feel discouraging to take a number of surveys and only move slightly closer to 5000 points. Most other platforms give you rewards more quickly.

Having to earn more points to redeem anything can also force you to continue finishing surveys. If you’ve already accumulated 2000 points, for example, it will feel like you wasted that time if you don’t keep going until you reach 5000. It’s better to receive small rewards consistently than get larger rewards with a longer wait.

YouGov Review: The Bottom Line

YouGov provides some of the best features of any survey site, so it’s no surprise that so many users prefer it. Its referral bonuses are more valuable than those of nearly any alternative. Furthermore, it offers a lucrative affiliate program for affiliates with an existing audience. If you’re interested in adding to your income, YouGov is a great way to start.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that YouGov is flawless. Its long wait times are a major inconvenience compared to apps that process rewards more quickly. Some users have trouble finding surveys, although that’s true on any survey site. Think of YouGov as incremental income rather than a way to make a living.

Once you’ve created a YouGov account, you can start earning points immediately. You could redeem your first reward in just a few days or weeks. Remember to refer as many users as possible to maximize your rewards.


Alex McOmie

Alex McOmie is a freelance writer for Money Done Right. He joined the Money Done Right editorial team in summer 2019. Learn more about Alex.

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Tom Pritchard
Tom Pritchard
2 years ago

I am told, after many years, that my password is invalid !!!!! I have, countless times requested a code for doing this, but to no avail. They just keep ignorming all my emails and requests for a code.

Mary C
Mary C
1 year ago

I have not gotten any survey points since Feb 24 2023 I have done several since then. I have contacted support 3 times now and they say “Oh we see you have points up to Feb 24th. Therefore you are getting your points” They ignore the fact that I have NOT gotten any since then. I just done another one tonight and got NOTHING. I done 2 the night before and got NOTHING. They refuse to see why and I’m not the only one complaining. They’re a scam. I have been doing surveys for at least a year now. I’m going to delete my account.

8 months ago

$3-$5 an hour is a scam, and all these “reviews” look like advertisements to me.