Cancelling Netflix
Updated August 03, 2022

5 Reasons Why Canceling Netflix Was The Best Decision I Made This Year

Saving Money

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You guys won’t believe me, but Logan and I decided to cancel our Netflix subscription earlier this year.  And we don’t regret it one bit.

Here’s how it happened…

I was becoming a couch potato.

Logan and I noticed how every time I got off work, I would gravitate towards the couch and turn on the TV to see what’s on Netflix (we don’t have cable).  I wanted my brain to shut off and only engage in mindless things until it was time for bed.  Soon, it became a habit!

While watching TV isn’t necessarily a bad thing in and of itself, it soon became apparent to me that I wasn’t making the most of my life by spending hours a day after work doing nothing but watching Netflix.

But now life’s good!

Once I realized I was turning into a couch potato, I knew I had to do something about this problem.

So I decided to see what it would be like to give up Netflix.  I even told my friends and coworkers about how I was going to cancel my subscription, so that I would commit to it.

And guess what?  I canceled Netflix and haven’t looked back since!

It’s been about 4 months without Netflix, and here my are 5 reasons why it was the best decision I made this year.

1. We’re saving money … and more money.

The cost of our Netflix subscription was $7.99 per month.  That adds up to $95.88 annually.

It doesn’t seem like much, but canceling Netflix led me to think of canceling other subscriptions.

Canceling our Netflix account led us to canceling our Audible subscription.  We are huge fans of audiobooks, but $14.95/month ($179.40 a year) just seemed excessive after we learned that we can borrow audiobooks from our local library.

So now, having canceled both Netflix and Audible, we’re saving $22.94/month!  That’s $275.28 per year that we can use to pay down debt, invest, or even save for a vacation.

I’m not saying you need to cancel all your subscriptions immediately, but I think it’s good to periodically evaluate what to keep and what to cancel.

2. I’m much more productive with my time.

Ever since getting rid of Netflix, I have been so much more productive at home.  I’m able to cook a lot more and eat healthier option.  I’m more aware of the mess around the house and will clean where needed.

Logan bought me a Kindle Paperwhite as a gift after quitting Netflix to help me cope with my recent TV loss. Reading has now turned into my new way of relaxing after work, and I feel so much better about myself.

I feel more enriched and educated with all the books I’ve read in these past few months.

3. I’ve lost weight.

Not only am I cooking healthier options for dinner, but I am also now exercising more!  Result? I’ve lost about a pound a month since canceling Netflix!

Last night was Saturday night, and Logan and I didn’t have any plans.  In the past, this would have meant an evening of sitting on the couch, watching Netflix and eating chips.  But what did we do instead?  We took a 2-mile walk around the neighborhood!  And on that walk, we came up with fun Halloween costume ideas!  It was so great!

And after we finished that walk, we felt much better about ourselves than we would’ve had we spent the remainder of the evening on the couch, vegging out.

4. I’m less antisocial.

I’ve also been spending way more time with friends since canceling Netflix.  Before, if someone invited me to hang out after work, I would more often than not tell them that I was too tired from work.  But I wasn’t really too tired from work.  I just wanted to spend more time with Netflix than with them.  Sad!

I’ll admit I do miss watching some of my favorite shows from Netflix, but I have some sweet friends who will invite me over every once in a while to have a movie or episode night!  So I still get my Netflix fix once in a while.  But it’s much more controlled being at someone else’s house, and plus I get to enjoy it with a friend, not by myself and Doritos.

5. I’m getting better sleep.

It doesn’t take a neurologist to tell us that staring at electronic devices before bed is horrible for our sleep, but they do anyway.  I always brushed away those warnings before, but now I believe them more than ever!

Not only have I been going to bed earlier since giving up Netflix, but my sleep quality has also greatly improved.  This has had a positive ripple effect in other areas of my life as well, such as productivity at work.

So what do you think?

Would you try quitting Netflix or whatever you use to watch TV?  Or are there any other subscriptions that you may consider canceling?

Let me know in the comments!


Logan Allec, CPA

Logan is a practicing CPA and founder of Choice Tax Relief and Money Done Right. After spending nearly a decade in the corporate world helping big businesses save money, he launched his blog with the goal of helping everyday Americans earn, save, and invest more money. Learn more about Logan.

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7 years ago

I used to have Netflix as well. But I cancel it because it was, in fact, a waste of money. I do really think cancelling the subscription was a good idea. There are so many other things you could be doing with your time. In fact, because I had more time, I decided to start a blog to talk about something I am passionate about. So, yes, I agree 100%. It was and still is a good decision. Thank you for sharing your story! 🙂

7 years ago

I disagree… I love having Netflix! I cancelled cable 2 years ago and never looked back… I love that we can watch our fave shows or movies whenever we want. We don’t have it on constantly though so it’s not an issue like that for us… There’s times when we haven’t had the tv on for days…. it’s just nice knowing it’s there when we do want to watch something and it’s so super cheap…

7 years ago

I love that you are saving money, eating healthier, and being more social! Netflix can be a huge time drain. It takes a whole lot of discipline not to slip into that hole, plus those fees do add up. Congratulations for gaining more of everything by cutting Netflix out!

7 years ago

I don’t even have netflix but I agree with you !!

7 years ago

That is a big improvement in your life, not only money matter but also, it is a great change for your health. I don’t watch tv and i don’t have cable, i prefer reading or spending time with my friends.

7 years ago

Totally get your reasons. Sometimes we can get sucked into all those series too much and end up a full day in front of the screen. I never had Netflix because I know how it would turn out.

7 years ago

I don’t watch tv, i used to watch quite a bit but found i was more tired, wasted time i could be doing other things and a whole other host of things. I don’t enjoy telly enough to watch it regularly!

7 years ago

I am definitely a Netflix addict but don’t think I could ever give it up! Definitely want to give trim a try though. I’m sure there is other subscriptions out there I need to cancel! So glad cancelling worked out so well for you guys!

Leanne Brookes
7 years ago

Hmm I don’t think I could do it! I don’t watch any other TV apart from Netflix and Youtube. I only really watch TV on the weekends. Although, I’m sat at my desk for ages on my laptop which doesn’t help with my back pain. Can’t give that up though… haha! Way too attached to technology!

7 years ago

Great advice on why it cancelling Netflix gives so many benefits. Hubby and I have both been trying to find ways to get us motivated to get off the couch and just start being more productive when it comes to exercising. It’s difficult at times because the “lazy personality” just kicks in after a stressful work week.

Katherine @
7 years ago

What a positive change you have made!
Sometimes it takes changing one little thing to give you a big reality check on your life and the little lies you tell yourself on the daily. All of the healthy choices you have been making are inspiring. Keep sharing 🙂

7 years ago

Hmm, interesting but as a Netflix user, I can’t fully agree on this! I love Netflix, and for me, I don’t constantly watch Netflix – only when I have time. But I get what you mean, it’s good to see it from other person’s perspective 🙂

Meagan Patton
7 years ago

I have never seen a blog about this before but it has lead me to really think about canceling our netflex. We also have hulu and amazon. Also, I didn’t know about trim. Thank for this!

Blanca N Valbuena
7 years ago

Damn! Now you’re making me reconsider my membership…but…I’m way too addicted to my shows…maybe I’ll just up the time on my morning walks 😉

7 years ago

My Netflix account is used by family members in three different houses so I would annoy a lot of people if I cancelled it 😉

7 years ago

Great results from your giving up Netflix. It is an easy option to turn on the tv and let real life slip away for a time. I know I watch too much tv, but sometimes it’s all I can do as pain gets the better of me. I’ll be keeping Netflix, but your point is well made and important to keep in mind for everyone. A regular “check up” on habits is a very good idea.

Sonia Allec
Sonia Allec
7 years ago

I can see how getting rid of the temptation to flop down on the couch & zone out for 3 – 6 hours is Very Beneficial to Everybody! We can go months without watching Netflix, then a few times a year, we start a series & watch it every night for a month or 2 until were done. What a waste of exercise or cleaning time! Im all for it but I have to discuss with my 2 guys, my son ( loves the Sasquatch hunter & any alien shows ) & my husband. Maybe well all do it as a New Years Resolution! Thank you for being such an Inspiration to us all!

Chloe Lee
7 years ago

I am still subscribed to Netflix because I can still find my favourite shows and I do not want to spend money to buy DVDs for those shows. However, I do understand that unsubscribing Netflix DO save money. If I were to cancel Netflix, I would have saved $8.99CAD x 12 = $107.88CAD per year. I could have used that money to invest.

7 years ago

Wow, first time I have seen a blog like this. Personally I wouldn’t do it. When I am feeling down and want to watch some good old movies Netflix is there. It is a stress reliever for me. Personally, it goes from person to person. You either start stepping it up or you will not see results. Don’t think it has anything to do with Netflix. Just a personal opinion.

7 years ago

I don’t think I’m a hardened Netflix consumer, but with a young family, it is a useful app to have on my phone/tablet. Reading above did make me realise just how much I pay over the year though!

Sarah | Diamonds N' Denim
7 years ago

I actually just cancelled Netflix as well! My husband and I were subscribed to that, HULU, and SiriusXM. I’ve been without it about a month now, and so far, I love it! I never watched anything unless it was a binge, which is truly a waste of time. Since cancelling that, I’ve started considering going back to a “dumb phone” to increase my productivity (and decrease my social media ‘zombieness’) throughout the day. It saves a handful of money throughout the year, but most importantly, it forces me to think, to do, and to be more mindful. I’m so glad to see others make the switch, thank you for sharing this post!

Jo Smith
7 years ago

I ALWAYS hear people talking about Netflix shows that I never knew about. I don’t have a Netflix – and I never had one or will get one. I usually just watch videos on youtube lol.

7 years ago

This is really interesting. Netflix doesn’t sound so bad compared to satellite (we have it for international programs), but I’ve been wondering if I’d be more social if I didn’t kind of designate a “tv time.” But we do need breaks, right? I love the library!

7 years ago

Thank you so much for this, I was torn by my addiction but this gave me a push to go and cancel my prescription.. we’ll see how it goes but I’m scared of how I’m going to change my routine

Sheryl Weitz
Sheryl Weitz
6 years ago

I just cancelled Netflix. Netflix is like gorging on a bunch of junk food. Kids viewing is pretty crappy too. There’s a lot of wasted time involved and I never feel like it was worth it. Luckily my interest waned in past months and I finally took advantage of the lull to just X it, before I get tempted into another junky binge. Keeping my Audible and Spotify though! Never had cable and I am still using Prime. If Netflix had a dvd-only subscription I’d probably use it.

Lance Layman
5 years ago

Netflix cancelled me…

Anyone notice the new netflix update that requires you to allow 3 party cookies and will not run in private mode that rolled out in September 2019. called and asked why this has changed just to get my account closed because i did not want to allow cookies on firefox. i held an account with them since they first started as a public company. never had any issues with watching in private mode or with high firefox security settings until now. hope people like allowing a company tell them how to secure their own home viewing method by forcing them to open a browsers security floodgate to a company that can already get what they needed from us by gleaning from our sign in account they already had.