Jobs for Introverts
Updated April 30, 2023

23 Surprising Ways Introverts Can Make Money Without Getting a Real Job

Getting a Job

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Tired of dragging yourself through your job or dealing with a ton of people through your day? Online jobs are taking over, and introverts are cashing in on these opportunities to stay at home and reduce the amount of time they spend interacting with others.

Away from the many ways to get cash in your pocket now, you can take any of these jobs for long-term career opportunities.

These online jobs range from customer service to hustling through task after task. You can find something on this list that interests you and can lead to a career.

1. Bookkeeping Jobs

Yes, companies prefer to hire accountants for specific jobs, but many people have the mathematical skill to take on basic accounting tasks

Bookkeepers often keep the accounting records for small business clean and organized, as well as assist in processing payroll, ensuring that the company pays its bills and tracks income too.

As an online job for introverts, bookkeepers often work with a single company or a will take on additional companies as their time and comfort levels grow.

Bookkeeping is an excellent place for many introverts to start working at home because you can grow these skills on the job. You also have options available to further your education and develop a career.

While you’re poking around online trying to find a bookkeeping job, you can also earn points and rewards with Swagbucks.

Join Swagbucks now to start earning discounts, cash back and gift cards from everyday online tasks such as shopping and searching the web.

2. Contribute to Marketing Studies

There are plenty of people who “tried” online surveys, but if you approach it like a day job, you will make money.

Read our in-depth review and set up a SurveyJunkie account. After just a few short questions about your daily habits and shopping preferences, you can start participating in marketing studies.

You are participating in surveys to provide honest feedback about products or services you use. That means no false reviews and no pressure to present any information that isn’t entirely true.

Sign up for InboxDollars to let the surveys come to you instead. After setting up an account, you’ll start receiving emails with surveys that connect to your shopping habits.

3. Task Rabbit

Task Rabbit isn’t just for assembling Ikea furniture! There are numerous jobs on Task Rabbit that you can do from the comfort of your home.

Work online through a series of odd jobs until you find something that is satisfying and pays well.

On Task Rabbit you can do everything from write resumes to create company logos. It’s an entirely open forum, and you get to help people who are looking to build themselves up too.

Sign up with Task Rabbit now and start exploring what job options are available to you.

4. Transcribe Audio

Do you have a keen ear? Transcription work is easy to find online, and a lot of the work requires no certification.

Try out work as a transcriptionist online. Building your typing speed will take time, and your typing speed (combined with your accuracy) will directly affect how much you can make.

If you find that you enjoy transcribing, then you should progress in the transcribing field with a certification in legal or medical transcription. These certifications allow you to work on legal and medical subject matter.

6. Work as an Actuary

Among the options for online jobs for introverts that pay well, an actuary probably requires the most schooling.

Actuaries are high-level accountants that utilize statistics, mathematics and finance theory to navigate companies through future events.

Companies use actuaries to choose which insurance programs to choose and what types of pension programs they offer to their staff.

Actuaries have no problem finding work, and many companies employ work from actuaries.

To become an actuary, you have to pass many exams, and these can take anywhere from 6 to 10 years.

You can begin working as an actuarial assistant after passing the first two exams which takes about a year.

In the meantime, you start collecting on your own financial decision. Click here to learn more about Long Game where you can start reaching your financial goals with games and missions.

A background in accounting or finance management is a great way to start this career. You can begin taking work in accounting or finance now and work your way up as you go through your actuary exams.

Learn more about making money with a side hustle here! Side hustles are a great way to make it through your school years.

7. Become a Blogger

There are different ways to make money as a blogger.

Introverts make money as bloggers all over the world. You can travel, talk about food, explore the difficulties of parenting, financing or talk about anything else that happens in your everyday life.

You can even blog about things that can make you money like Sweatcoin. Sign up with Sweatcoin now to start making money from exercising while you start putting your blog together.

Some people have difficulty understanding how bloggers make money. There are typically three options:

  1. Affiliate marketing
  2. Selling information/courses
  3. Selling products

A secondary income for bloggers is guest blogging.

Of all the ideas to make money online, this is probably the most common, but so many people give up before there is any payoff.

If you choose to start blogging as a job, it’s important to stick with it and keep writing!

8. Copywriting

Copywriting includes writing for a wide variety of topics.

If you have basic research skills and can write with minimal editing or proofreading revisions, then you could start a career copywriting today.

Many introverts choose writing as a career because they can work exclusively online. You find clients online, rarely have to engage with phone calls or video chat and can operate at hours that fit your schedule.

9. Freelance Editing

Freelance editing is an online job for introverts that many people jump into not knowing what the job pool has in store for them.

Editing is a sought after service and the writers or companies that employ editors expect high-quality.

To start freelance editing explore the options available through third-party freelance websites. Popular sites include Upwork, Freelancer and TaskRabbit.

10. Proofreading

Proofreading is slightly different than editing. Proofreading services are typically much cheaper than editing because the goal is to find and resolve surface errors.

Start taking proofreading jobs now if you can quickly identify grammar, spelling and punctuation errors.

Proofreaders must also look at the general purpose of the material. An editor may reformat or restructure material for a better explanation whereas a proofreader would leave the language as the writer intended.

11. Virtual Assistants Needed

More than ever people need assistants, but the trip is now that you can do anything from home and that has led to a need for virtual assistants.

Virtual assistants should be able to jump from task to task and juggle many duties. If you have countless to-do lists and know how to use various online resources for business purposes than working as a virtual assistant might be the perfect job for you.

Online jobs for introverts that pay well often involve repetitive and mundane tasks but work as a virtual assistant doesn’t fit that mold.

Virtual Assisting is excellent for anyone that has more than one side hustle.

If you want to make money online while doing other things, then this is probably the job for you. Drive with Lyft and earn money through two jobs!

12. Recruiter

If you have previous experience in hiring or general human resources activities, you can probably find work as a recruiter very quickly.

Working as a recruiter does involve talking to people via phone or occasionally through Skype. However, before talking to anyone you would thoroughly review applications and select your top candidates.

13. Retail Arbitrage

In the early days of eBay Retail Arbitrage was a big deal and you could make a substantial amount of money in a short time.

That’s not quite the case today because everything is so readily available on eBay, and it’s losing a lot of its business to Amazon.

Retail arbitrage however, is still one of the more exciting ways to make money. You can wheel and deal between swap meets, eBay and other online retailers and bring these items into your shop.

The way to make retail arbitrage work is to make sure that your store gets all the exposure it can handle.

That means optimizing your product posts and making sure that they’re available on as many purchasing forums as possible this will usually eBay, Amazon and your site.

14. Work as a Professional Organizer

One of the more interesting ways to make money online is to work as a professional organizer. Not only can you bring together the need to get out of the house with working online occasionally but you can help your friends out too!

If you’re already a super organized person and have an extra room at home, you can make a passive income through Airbnb. Setup an Airbnb account now to begin hosting right away.

To get started as a professional organizer find a few volunteers and put together a few videos of you working with them to establish a client base. Professionally organized system while teaching them how to maintain the system on their own.

Professional organizers do visit the homes or offices of their clients. But they work online to find clients and teach clients about the tools they can use to maintain a well-organized area.

15. Insurance Agencies

Insurance agents can find a lot of work from home now that major offices are closing across America. Insurance agencies are now happily taking on introverts to work from home.

As an insurance agent, you can speak with clients over the phone, or even limit communication to emails.

Help people complete forms and walk them through the processes of filing claims or transfer policies.

Of the many ideas available to make money there’s often not enough coverage for insurance opportunities.

You can take on homeowners’ insurance, life insurance, car insurance or even work with a medical network to operate as a health insurance broker.

16. Technical Writer

Technical writing involves creating documents for engineers to scientists. A technical writer will often spend hours putting together case studies, briefs, or reviews.

A technical writer requires a mix of knowledge in the field they’re writing in and a journalistic drive for solutions and answers.

Technical writers can find work through many sites, but they can also take on tasks themselves. Putting together everything from research to completed literature can generate a substantial income.

17. Phone Nurse

Online jobs for introverts can require a wide range of skills, but nursing is a surprise for nearly everyone. At home nurses, how does that work?

Many health insurance companies, networks, and doctor’s offices are taking on work from home nurses to answer common questions.

A patient or parent will call into the hotline, speak with a registered nurse and get medical advice based on the conversation. The goal of these jobs is to help people avoid unnecessary trips to urgent care or the emergency room.

Concerned parents can usually set up appointments within a day or two with these nurses as well.

Take care of your health with HealthyWage, a fun app that lets you make money off of losing weight and making healthier life choices!

18. Online Tutor

Online tutors can make upwards of $20 per hour and even if you have to take a bunch of low paying jobs at first this can quickly turn into a career.

Break out your textbooks and brush up on some of your favorite subjects.

There are some services available to help you find clients. Some of these work from home services require you to go through some training, or they will check in on your educational background.

19. Video Editing

Maybe you have a creative flair for putting together videos as a hobby. Take that hobby and turn it into a job.

On third-party freelance websites, you can find clients who need help with video editing. Even if you don’t know what you’re doing, there are many clients with flexible timelines and who are willing to work with you while you learn.

Don’t be afraid to jump into something new or turn a hobby into a full-time job.

20. Etsy Store Owner

It seems cliché, but it’s tried and true. If you’re a crafty person, then you should be selling your creations on Etsy. Etsy allows you to set up shop with a ton of safety nets.

Unlike opening your own business and getting your website, Etsy allows you to focus on the crafting part of this job.

Introverts make money all the time selling their creations on Etsy because it takes away from the many demanding distractions of having a storefront but allows them to work creatively.

Consider opening an Etsy store and be sure to read their user agreement thoroughly!

21. Cultivate Knowledge

A tall order? Not really, all you have to do is put information out into the world and sell a course online.

Many people will fit this online job for introverts into their blogging business model. If you have a blog and are looking for more ideas to make money, you should be selling your knowledge.

So, if you’re looking for how to start a course, it’s straightforward.

Take a look at what you’re an expert in and start framing up a conversation where you’re telling someone about what you know.

Many people don’t realize that this can be anything! Introvert parents need help and often don’t ask or aren’t vocal enough to get people involved.

Make a course on any aspect of life and start charging for the knowledge you share! A blog is a great way to give people a lot of information for free and then to charge for a course.

22. Data Scientist or Analyst

A data scientist and data analyst are similar but not so much that they’re necessarily the same job. Both are usually online jobs, and both require the ability to translate numbers into something useful for management or high-level executives.

A data analyst will take data that the business collects and wade through it to find something useful. That means that they’re working with management or executives to improve the company.

The data provided is put to use for making improvements and quality decision making.

A data scientist does everything a data analyst does while also creating the tools necessary for data collection and extraction. That means that they need to understand the context of the data as well as machine learning, and statistics.

This job might seem daunting, but there are many online opportunities to start this career. Look for entry-level positions with companies that employ people from home.

23. Software Developer

Do you have visions of working behind a desk to produce the next best app or software? These jobs are almost exclusively work-at-home jobs now, and it’s a great way to start a career.

Software developers can make an average of about $98,000 a year, and you can work independently with clients or through a company.

Many companies are happy to allow their software developers to work from home. You may need to pass background checks for the client or company you’re working with at the time.

As you build your portfolio, you’ll have many more options available to you.


Logan Allec, CPA

Logan is a practicing CPA and founder of Choice Tax Relief and Money Done Right. After spending nearly a decade in the corporate world helping big businesses save money, he launched his blog with the goal of helping everyday Americans earn, save, and invest more money. Learn more about Logan.

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