How to Sell Avon
Updated January 21, 2024

How to Sell Avon: How to Become an Avon Rep in 2024

Side Hustles

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Avon Products (or Avon for short) is a direct to consumer company that offers up everything from beauty products to household and personal care items.  In this article we show how to sell Avon in 2019.

What helps Avon continue to stand out since the company’s creation in that late 1880’s is the ability for Avon reps to sell products to their friends, neighbors and family.

If you have ever wondered about the why and how to sell Avon, read on. In this guide we will look at how to become an Avon Rep.

What is Avon?

Most of us have heard of Avon. Fresh smelling lotions and potions our mothers either bought or sold.

But what you might not know is that Avon is a multi-million-dollar business with a product line to match any beauty conglomerate nationwide.

Benefits to Selling Avon

Selling Avon is much more than earning a few dollars on the side. If you are successful in your sales you can benefit from a wide range of perks, including:

• Earn trips to great vacation destinations
• Design, create and print business tools for free
• Enjoy education benefits & tuition discounts to keep your career moving
• Access highly rated health, dental and vision insurance plans
• Receive discounts on voice, data and WiFi service for all your digital devices
• Avon offers scholarships to deserving representatives and their families each year
• Avon Reps can access academic support at Capella University

Why Should I Sell Avon?

Selling Avon offers reps the opportunity to work for themselves and earn money on their own terms. Across the Avon website you will see one word used frequently to describe why women would want to work for them – empowerment.

Avon offers two ways to make money as an independent representative:

Direct Product Sales

This method allows reps to sell to friends, family, neighbors and anyone else in their network and make a percentage profit of their sales.

The Sales Leadership Process

This method means that an Avon Representative is both selling products directly, as well as recruiting others.

Regardless of which path you ultimately choose to pursue, the entry point for selling Avon is intentionally low. Meaning, it isn’t going to cost an arm and a leg to get started.

Ultimately, selling Avon is a way for motivated women to earn as little or as much income as they want, depending upon how much time you put into your business.

How to Start Selling Avon

Getting started selling Avon is easier than you might think. You can just head to their Representative page and get started.

The application asks for your general contact information and a little about yourself and your sales goals. Once you fill this out you wait for someone to get in contact with you.

You will eventually put you in contact with a local rep, so you have someone to help guide you through the process of getting started.

Next you will be asked to pay your startup fee. For a small charge you will be sent everything you need to get started selling right away.

The final recommended step before you can get selling is to complete optional, but very helpful, online training on the Avon website. The company offers training on the product lines, how to sell Avon and how to provide the best customer service to keep customers coming back.

Interested in becoming an Avon representative?

How Much Do You Make Selling Avon?

Avon is very transparent about how much money they make and how much Avon reps make on average. They publish a report each year chronicling the previous year’s sales and earnings. According to recent data, the current earning structure outline for each campaign:

• All new reps earn 40 percent commission on sales
• Beauty sales between $0 – $149.99 – 20 percent commission
• Beauty sales between $150 – $299.99 – 30 percent commission
• Beauty sales between $300 – $499.99 – 35 percent commission
• Beauty sales $500 or more – 40 percent commission
• All fashion and home sales earn a 20 percent commission

Reps who sell over $10,000 in products are invited to become part of the President’s Recognition Program. The earning structure in this program is a little different:

• Campaign Sales between $0 – $924.99 earn a 40 percent commission
• Campaign Sales between $925 – $1574.99 earn a 45 percent commission
• Campaign Sales over $1575 earn a 50 percent commission

Avon also states that reps who choose to pursue the Sales Leadership path and recruit a sales team can earn upwards of $100k. The more you recruit, train and lead your team, the more you can make.

How Much Does It Cost to Become an Avon Rep?

The starter kit to become an Avon sales rep is around $25. It includes sales information, your first order forms, brochures, and access to your personalized Avon website.

If you want to start with a little more in your selling arsenal, there are also $50 and $100 starter kits that include more forms, samples, bags, and other Avon selling tools.

After the starter kit, Avon representatives will pay for catalogs, samples (which are optional), and the Avon One Simple Fee for each campaign. This $5.95 and up fee covers ordering throughout your website and shipping and handling for each campaign you run.

That’s it. Being an Avon rep comes with very little cost to sellers.

How to Sell Avon Online

The way Avon reps sell beauty, home and fashion products has changed dramatically over the years. In person parties and door to door sales has been taken over by predominantly online sales.

Each Avon rep is given a website where they can sell Avon products direct to friends, family, neighbors and even strangers. People visit your customized website, order products and you earn money.

It’s that simple.

By sharing on your social media accounts and via e-mail, you can start to create a sales base. Avon has evolved to keep up with technology and make sure that selling Avon is easy enough just about anyone can do it.

How to Build a Customer Base

In addition to sharing on your Facebook page and Twitter account, there are some steps you can take from the beginning of your Avon sales career that will help build your customer base.

The first step is to make sure you customize your website so that it represents you. Choose a url that will be easy for people to remember. Then set your website up so that potential customers can get product information quickly and purchase products easily.

Next, make sure you have plenty of brochures, business cards and samples. Yes, this will cost you money, but handing out these marketing tools will be very helpful in building your business.

Another important step is to get the word out that you are in the Avon game. In addition to sharing your website online, ask to leave cards and brochures at local businesses and other frequently visited establishments.

Finally, consider hosting a few parties. They may seem old fashioned but can help create a new customer list.

How Do Avon Reps Get Paid?

Avon reps are paid according to the structure outlined above for every two-week campaign they run. At the end of a campaign, Avon bills you for the cost of products, the One Simple Fee and the fees for any selling tools you purchased.

The difference between those costs and customer payments is your personal profit. Once your credit balance reaches more than $5, Avon will make a direct deposit into a bank account of your choosing, twice monthly.

Avon generally tallies this amount on the 1st and the 15th of each month and you can expect to be paid 2-3 business days later.

How to Sell Avon Successfully

There are a couple of things that Avon sales representatives can do to ensure that their business is a success.

#1: Create Excellent Customer Relationships

In order to run a successful Avon business, your first priority is to your customers. The way to keep and build your customer base, you have to provide the best possible customer service.

When customers view you as their go-to beauty and fashion consultant, the more you will drive your sales.

#2: Talk Up Your Business

Running a direct sales business means you sell both products and you as a salesperson. You are the face of your business, so the more people you talk to, the more potential to grow.

School events, birthday parties, meetings and any other social gathering are all opportunities to spread the word about your business.

#3: Recruit Your Own Sales Team

Avon reps that earn the most are those who build a strong sales team. Reach out to friends and family and find out who might be interested in working with you.

You might find that selling Avon is infectious. Build your team and grow your business.

#4: Be Your Own Customer

What better way to promote the products you sell than to use them. Looking beautiful is a perfect way to sell products and invite conversation.

The Bottom Line:

That wraps up the complete guide on How to Become an Avon Rep in 2019. Chances are, it’s easier than you thought.

With some helpful tips and tricks on how to sell Avon you can be on your way to making a living band as they say at Avon – go from gloss to boss.


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Terry Polsak
Terry Polsak
5 years ago

My mother was an Avon Sales Rep back in the 1970’s and for many years after that. She passed away about 10 years ago. I recently found an Avon set of envelopes called ‘The New Avon Beauty Course’. Each envelope includes a blue vinyl 33 1/3 record with an instruction booklet. I have 5 in total:
1) Avon Products and How to Sell Them
2) Lesson 1: Skin Care
3) Lesson 2: Hair Care and Hair Color
4) Lesson 3: The Art of Makeup
5) Lesson 4: More About Makeup
It’s hard to throw something like this away so I thought I would reach out to see if I could pass them along to the company for their archives. If you are interested, please contact me at [email protected]. My name is Terry Polsak and I live iin Eastlake, OH.
Thank you,

Vanessa Crowell
Vanessa Crowell
Reply to  Terry Polsak
1 year ago

Thats really cool!!

Victoria Jason
Victoria Jason
5 years ago

I want to join avon

Gemma Louise
Gemma Louise
5 years ago

Hello could anyone tell me what I.d I need to start up with Avon please as I only have 3 letters would this do with my new address on would appreciate any answers thanks in advance Gemma x

Diane Jones
Diane Jones
Reply to  Gemma Louise
5 months ago

Call Avon at 1800 5002866. There is an upside that they had good products. People would buy it but the shipping is eight dollars a person. You will get so much off of your older which is great. Tell customers ahead of time about shipping. I love the perfume. Tell them that you want to be an Avon ambassador. A person who sells Avon.

Tanya brain
Tanya brain
5 years ago

How do I join Avon to sell

Diane Jones
Diane Jones
Reply to  Tanya brain
5 months ago

Just call !-800-500-2866 tells them that you want to be an Avon ambassador.

5 years ago

As a avon representative, will I be responsible for filing and paying sales tax?

Reply to  C
5 years ago

You actually do but you do get earnings and the client does get charged service fee,

Logan Allec, CPA
Reply to  C
5 years ago

It is my understanding that you must collect sales tax from your customers, which you will remit to Avon. Avon will then file and pay the state.

5 years ago

Am from Nigeria and i will love to be Avon sales representative, how do i go about it

Nicole Mae
5 years ago

I’ve been an Avon Representative since 2016 and I just recently was able to drop down to working part-time because of my Avon business. It’s been hard work but this article does cover many of the aspects of the business. I have my own personal perks as well. If you’re looking to start a business and be your own boss, it’s a good opportunity.

5 years ago

I would like to start my own business but I turn 18 in 6 months. I’m not sure how to start if I can’t make my own account.

5 years ago

Di I need to sell a certain amount every month?

Anne mc Phillips
Anne mc Phillips
5 years ago

How do I become a Avon agent in Ireland my no is 0876006088

5 years ago

As a new Avon rep you will even get your very own website to send potential customers to.
This can be a great help if you wish to focus your sales online.

Logan Allec, CPA
Reply to  tracyk
5 years ago

Hi Tracy. That’s great to know!

Inderia Armbrister
Inderia Armbrister
Reply to  tracyk
4 years ago

Hi will international persons also get their own personal website as well??

4 years ago

Lots of great information in this article! Love all of these tips. It’s actually completely free to sell Avon right now – which is really exciting! Find more information about how to join for free

Michelle Wooten
Michelle Wooten
Reply to  Jennifer
4 years ago

Information on this article are lies. My daughter sold $4000 in merchandise and they cheated her out of her commission. According to the gentleman who talked to her… she’s a liar and she gets no commission. They’re running a scam and treat their reps like crap. I’m disappointed in Avon and who they have running the scam. I have spent a lot as a customer on their products and will no longer buy until they clean house and treat their reps with more respect. After all these reps are the ones making them money!!!

4 years ago

Am in Nigeria, how possible is it for me to become an Avon representative

Nicole Mae
4 years ago

Avon still has a promotion going where you can sell Avon online only for free right now. Limited time only, but it’s a great opportunity to start your own business with no investment.

4 years ago

Hello There,
I am based in Nigeria. How can I become an Avon Representative please? Very interested.

Michelle Wooten
Michelle Wooten
Reply to  Janet
4 years ago

Be careful. They’re liars. They don’t pay representatives any commission at ally he way it’s described on this page. My daughter sold $4000 in merchandise and they gave her nothing. They called her a liar and pretty much cheated her out of any commission. They don’t value or care for their reps. At least they don’t in New Mexico USA.

2 years ago

I joined Avon to get the discount and the extra discount in their Avon perks program.
Now it’s fun to sell it to my friend or on my website. I have teenagers who always want to try new products so my membership saving me money. lol

Logan Allec, CPA
Reply to  Stacy
2 years ago

What kind of discounts do you get?

Reply to  Logan Allec, CPA
2 years ago

25% off orders $40+. You get more after a certain amount of sales/purchases.
Avon has a free sign up but the $30 starter kit was totally worth it since it includes full-size products and samples. I wrote about the perks here:

Kathleen Dalton
Kathleen Dalton
1 year ago
What are the laws and requirements for selling Avon products?? 
Grace kave
Grace kave
1 year ago

I want to join Avon in Nigeria